Miss Viet Nam 2006 and Pop Star to Become Ambassadors for AIPF

Miss Viet Nam 2006 Mai Phuong Thuy and Pop star Dam Vinh Hung have been chosen as ambassadors for a movement aiming to promote the use of helmets in order to reduce the number of casualties resulting from a lack of their use. The movement is co-organized by the Asia Injury Prevention Foundation (AIPF) and the OCEAN Communications Company.

The program will kick off next month when Ms. Thuy and Mr. Hung will make public appearances to call upon people to wear helmets.

The Asia Injury Prevention Foundation (AIPF) is a non-profit organization. Its goals is to stop the escalating number of people from dying or being injured in road accidents by providing access to high quality affordable motorbike helmets, creating public awareness and education programs and providing advocacy and information to governments considering changes to existing helmet and road safety laws.

The Foundation operates throughout South-East Asia and has donated helmets to children in Viet Nam, Lao, Thailand and Cambodia

Another program, Helmets for Kids, which so far has provided 150,000 helmets to children in Viet Nam, was launched in 2000 by the AIPF, the Ministry of Training and Education, and the National Traffic Safety Committee and other sponsors.


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